Pupil Teachers

In an effort to improve standards the national Committee of Council on Education introduced the pupil teacher system in 1846. The first five pupil teachers at Hitchin British Schools were selected for training in 1847. They were aged 13 and 14 years. Trainees were apprenticed to study and to teach in the school for five years. At the end of each year they were examined by an Inspector. If they passed the inspection they were paid £10 a year in the first year rising to £20 in their fifth year. Girls were paid only 2/3 of these amounts.

Having completed a satisfactory apprenticeship the pupil teachers received their certificates and were then able to take the QueenÕs Shcolarship examination. If successful in passing they were admitted to training college for 3 years to study for their Teacher's Certificate. By 1896 the minimum age for apprenticeships had risen to 15 years and its duration reduced from 5 to 4 years. The system continued into the 1900s and was still in use in some rural areas in the 1920s.

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