Heritage > Famous Britons

Henry's Early Years

Not much is recorded of Henry before the age of 10 but following the death of his previously more prominent brother Arthur more is known. He is said to have been intelligent and loved sports. True to the visions we have of a robust Henry it is said that he enjoyed taking part in jousts.

These mock combats were once relied upon by the warriors of the day to test their mettle in the heat of battle but with the introduction and increasing use of gunpowder and the longbow the effectiveness of heavy cavalry in battle was waning. Henry was also adept with the longbow, loved hunting, falconry and riding.

On his lighter side he is also said to have enjoyed playing the lute, dancing and singing. The popular music form of the day was the madrigal. Henry VIII is reputed to have composed the tune 'Greensleeves'. Henry's personality seemed such that the people of England were optimistic for the future. England had grown in prosperity since the end of the savagely fought Wars of the Roses.

Henry was due to inherit a land which had not changed much geographically but had found that the peace had come at a price. With the increase in trade, especially with nations who had taken advantage of the Renaissance while the English had fought amongst themselves, prices and rents rose. This led to England being a land where beggar bands were all too common.

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