Heritage > Myths and Legends > Ireland

The Four Leafed Shamrock

County Kerry

An entertainer in Dingle owned a magic cockerel, or so everyone believed. The entertainer's trick was to make everyone believe that the cockerel could have a beam of wood tied to one of its legs, and still effortlessly drag it down a street.

Everyone wanted to see the so called magic cockerel, and as crowds grew to witness this unbelievable feat, so the entertainer's pocket became heavy with the sound of money rattling.

Then an old man came to witness the event. The old man was convinced that the most a cockerel could drag would be a piece of straw, and he quoted as much to the entertainer. The old man was carrying a bundle of rushes, so the entertainer bought the rushes from the old man in an effort to keep him quiet. Hence the old man also joined in with the crowd in displaying reactions of sheer amazement at what they thought they were witnessing.

Only the entertainer knew of the truth behind the cockerel story. You see there was a four-leafed shamrock in the bundle, and that was where all the so called "magic" was originating from.

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