Heritage > Myths and Legends > Ireland

The Lost Shadow


A man living in Munster by the name of Brasil, once bought an island from a Scottish chieftain. However, before the deal could be finalised, the chieftain had to return to Scotland. Brasil followed the chieftain to Scotland, in the hope that all the necessary paperwork could be signed.

The chieftain welcomed Brasil to his humble dwelling, which just happened to be a castle. Brasil explained to the chieftain that he had come for the paperwork. The chieftain said that all the papers were ready, Brasil attempted to collect the papers in the hope of a quick return to Munster. However, the chieftain did not want to let Brasil go so quickly, so he told Brasil that he must give his shadow to him.

Not wanting to lose his shadow, Brasil grabbed the papers and speedily made for the exit to the castle.

Just as Brasil passed the large library window, the sun cast his shadow into the library. The chieftain sensing his chance to capture the shadow quickly put a book on the shadow, so that the shadow would remain lodged to the spot the sun had caught it.

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