Heritage > Myths and Legends > Ireland

The Salmon that brought Knowledge


Finn was no old and wise enough to leave Slieve Bloom. With his spear in tow, he said goodbye to his two acting foster mums, and forthwith set out on his travels.

Every part of Erin was surveyed, with Finn assisting kings and more chieftains. Through his travels, Finn acquired the skills associated with combat, namely weapons and fighter training. Finn also decided to broaden his skills by studying poetry, with the wise Druid, Finegas ~ in order to reach the heights required to regain his father's honour, and become leader of the Fianna.

For seven years, Finegas had been trying to catch the "Salmon of Knowledge" which resided in a dark pool in the River Boyne. Above the dark pool, there was a hazel tree which dropped nuts of knowledge into the water, hence as they fell, Finegas would eat the nuts and gain knowledge. However, whoever could catch and then eat Fintan, the "Salmon of Knowledge" would attain the knowledge of all ages.

As soon as Finn arrived to be taught Finegas's knowledge, Finegas caught the salmon with relative ease. Finegas was happy to give the fish to Finn to cook it, warning him not to eat it himself. Finegas wanted the fish all for himself.

Finegas patiently waited for Finn to bring the salmon. Finn duly arrived with the cooked fish. Finegas noticed that Finn was no longer a youthful boy, but rather a strong looking man. He asked Finn whether he had eaten any of the fish. Finn replied that as he had turned the fish over for cooking on another side, he had burned his thumb and then sucked it to ease the harshness of the resulting pain.

Finegas ordered Finn to eat all of the fish because through his thumb all of the knowledge of the ages had passed, and by sucking on the thumb, the knowledge had been transmitted to all parts of Finn's body. Finegas told him that when he had eaten the fish, to be on his way because he could teach him no more that had not already been gained via the "Salmon of Knowledge".

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