Heritage > Myths and Legends > Ireland

The Hound of Cullan


Setanta was the nephew of King Conor of Emain Macha. He was not born in Ulster, therefore the curse of Macha did not affect him. Setanta was seven years old when he left his home in Dundalk to join the famous and highly skilled Red Branch Knights at Emain Macha. Though he was the smallest, he was the fastest and smartest boy in the troop.

One night a feast was held by Cullan the blacksmith, for which the King duly attended. Cullan had the knowledge of turning cold iron into shining swords. However Setanta wanted to finish playing a game with his friend, Ferdia, therefore would join his uncle later at Cullan's house.

By the time the gaming had finished, night time had arrived. The journey to Cullan's house was a difficult one, and made much harder because it was dark, hence it took Setanta much longer than it would normally.

Back at Cullans house, the feast was in full-swing and the wine was freely flowing! No thoughts came to mind about Setanta.

The feast had ended, Cullan's servants closed up his house and let loose his hound dog to guard the house. This was Cullan's best-ever hound dog. It was fast and fearsome, with teeth like daggers!

Setanta arrived at the house without the slightest clue of the danger that was about to befall him. The gate was closed, but being a good climber he was undeterred and begun to climb. Forthwith, the hound dog sprang at him, Setanta was knocked to the ground.

Setanta leapt to his feet and felt a sense of strength come from within him. He gripped the hound dog by the throat and knocked it against the wall, killing it instantly.

The noise and commotion woke up the servants. The servants had finally remembered the little boy! As they rushed out they expected to find him cut to pieces. Cullan was angry at losing his trusted hound dog, even though Setanta was alive. The solution: Setanta offered to act as Cullan's guard dog for one year ~ until a replacement could be found.

The offer was accepted. Cullan gave Setanta a new name ~ Cœ Chullain, "the Hound of Cullan".

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