Heritage > Myths and Legends > Ireland

Conan and the Black Ram


An unpopular member of the Fianna was Conan Maol. He was a philanderer who Finn only turned a blind eye to because he often provided him with "sound" advice.

There was one thing that made Conan very different from any other member of the Fianna. He had black ram's fleece all over his back.

Conan's Story

Whilst out hunting with the Fianna one day, Conan and his counterparts came across an grand house. They entered into the house in search of food and wine. After a while of searching they came to be at a chieftains hall, where laid out in front of them on a table was a feast set for a king, but no sign of any living creature.

The Fianna were shattered via there hunting exploits, hence they sat down at the table and helped themselves to the food and merrily drank the wine. Suddenly, with all the food barely half eaten, one of the Fianna jumped to his feet in shock. Then suddenly everyone noticed that the walls around them were changing into rough wattle, and the previously thatched roof was beginning to take shape as smoke-blackened turf. They all sprang to their feet and made for the one exit, which by now was shrinking in size.

Conan Maol, in his moment of enjoying his hearty meal, failed to notice all of the commotion around him. When he finally noticed, nearly all of the Fianna had escaped, and the fact that he had far too much to eat meant that he became stuck in his chair.

However two members came back to help Conan. With all there strength they managed to haul Conan up from his chair. In gaining his freedom, Conan left most of his tunic and breeches and all the skin on his back on the chair.

Conan escaped to the outside world but was in such pain as he had no skin on his back, that all his fellow members could do was to kill a nearby black ram, and cover Conan's back with the skin. The skin took root upon Conan's back and grew, and was resident there for the rest of his life.

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