Heritage > Historic Houses

Abbotsford House - The Ante Room

East Wall

Miniature of 'Bonnie Dundee: A copy by Sir John Watson Gordon of the original belonging to the Earl of Leven.

Painting of Hinse of Hinsefeldt Sir Walter's cat.

Painting by Sir Edwin Landseer of Ginger, one of

Walter's dogs.

Painting of the Regalia of Scotland, by Andrew


Miniature of Bonnie Prince Charlie. Copy by

Stewart Watson of an original painting.

Three drawings by Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, presented to Sir Walter by the artist:

1. 'Queen Elizabeth dancing'

2. 'The Dish of Spurs'

3. 'Muckle Mouthed Meg' (Nos. 2-3 portray scenes in the life of Auld Wat of Harden and his sons, ancestors of Sir Walter).

Three small carvings in wood by Andrew Currie of Darnick.

Plaster statuette of Sir Walter sitting in a chair, by John Greenshields. This was the model for the large statue in freestone in Edinburgh known as 'Sic sedebat'.

Copy of a Celtic mask found in the earth at Torrs, Galloway. The original (which is now in the National Museum of Anniquities in Edinburgh) was presented to Sir Walter by Joseph Train.

South Wall

Portrait of Peter Mathieson, coachman to Sir Walter, painted in 1851, the year before his death. With 'Donald, young Lady Scott's pony. Portrait of John Swanston, Sir Walter's gamekeeper, painted in 1851.

West Wall

Montrose's cabinet, captured among his baggage after the Battle of Philiphaugh.

Portrait of Tom Purdie. Painted in 1824 by Charles Robert Leslie.

Portrait of Charles Mackay in the character of Bailie Nicol Jarvie. Painted in 1826 by Sir William Allan and presented to Sir Walter by the artist.

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