Heritage > British Castles

Windsor Castle


Windsor Castle was built for military purposes and although it has sustained only two sieges in its long history, and has always been more of a royal palace than a fortress, its military associations are still very strong if only ceremonial.

In modern times the Household Cavalry have had strong associations with the Castle, dating from the reign of Charles II. Although the headquarters are in Whitehall, their Combermere Barracks are in the town as is the Household Cavalry Museum.

The Household Cavalry consists of the Life Guards, the Royal Horse Guards ('The Blues') and the Royal Dragoons ('The Royals'). These last two amalgamated in 1969 to form a new Regiment of Household Cavalry known as 'The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons)'.

At Windsor Castle daily guards are mounted as with other royal residences and they parade there for events such as the Garter service. They are from a foot Guards Battalion.

Knights of the Garter were originally military men and much of the alterations carried out by the founder of the Order, Edward III, revolved around providing a fitting setting for this illustrious brotherhood. But the King also founded another less well-known body of knights - the so-called Poor Knights, who, although gentlemen and distinguished retired soldiers, were of slender means. This was really an act of charity as Edward intended to provide 24 knights with accommodation within the Castle but did not leave sufficient money in his will. It was not until the reign of Henry VIII, who reduced the number to 13, that proper maintenance was provided. Mary I provided new lodgings for the Poor Knights and these are to the right of the Henry VIII Gateway. William IV in 1833 provided the old gentlemen with the handsome red uniforms which they still use and re-named them the Military Knights of Windsor. The Military Knights parade every Sunday in their uniforms in St George's Chapel representing the Knights of the Garter and attend Garter Services and other royal ceremonials where they add a tremendous splash of colour. Today they are distinguished retired army officers who occupy these grace and favour lodgings.

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