Camelot International > Royal Palace

Sovereigns of Spain from 1479

IsabelI and Fernando V 1479 - 1504
Fernando (regent) 1505 - 6
Felipe I (The Handsome) (regent) 1506
Fernando (regent) 1507 - 16
Cardinal Cisneros (regent) 1516 - 17
Carlos I 1516 - 56
Felipe II 1556 - 98
Felipe III 1598 - 1621
Felipe IV 1621 - 65
Carlos II 1665 - 1700
Felipe V of Bourbon 1700 - 24
Luis I 1724
Felipe V 1724 - 46
Fernando VI 1746 - 59
Carlos III 1759 - 88
Carlos IV 1788 - 1808
Jos (Joseph) Bonaparte* 1808 - 13
Fernando VII 1808 - 33
Maria Cristina (regent) 1833 - 40
Don Baldomero Espartero (regent) 1840 - 3
Isabel II 1833 - 68
Francisco Serrano (regent) 1868 - 70
Amadeo of Savoy (abdicated) 1870 - 3
(First Republic 1873 - 4)
Alfonso XII 1874 - 85
Maria Cristina (regent) 1885 - 1902
Alfonso XIII (dethroned) 1886 - 31
(Second Republic 1931 - 75)
Juan Carlos I 1975 -
*Imposed by Napoleon.

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