Camelot International > Royal Palace

Holy Roman or Western Emperors

Frankish Emperors
Charles (I) the Great (Charlemagne) 800 - 14
Louis (I) the Pious 814 - 40
Lothar I 840 - 55
Louis II (in Italy) 855 - 75
Charles (II) the Bald 875 - 7
Charles (III) the Fat 881 - 7
Guy of Spoleto (in Italy) 891 - 4
Lambert of Spoleto (in Italy) 894 - 8
Arnulf of Carinthia 896 - 901
Louis III of Provence 901 - 5
Berengar 905 - 24

Italian Emperors
Rudolf of Burgundy 924 - 6
Hugh of Provence 926 - 45
Lothar III 945 - 50
Berengar 950 - 62

German Emperors
Conrad I* 911 - 18
Henry I the Fowler* 918 - 36
Otto I the Great 936 - 73
Otto II 973 - 83
Otto III 983 - 1002
Henry II 1002 -24
Conrad II 1024 - 39
Henry III the Black 1039 - 56
Henry IV 1056 - 1106
Henry V 1105 - 25
Lothar II 1125 - 37
Conrad III* 1138 - 52
Frederick (I) Barbarossa 1152 - 90
Henry VI 1190 - 7
Philip* 1198 - 1208
Otto IV 1198 - 1212
Frederick II 1212 - 50
Conrad IV* 1250 - 4

Luxembourg Emperors
Charles IV 1347 - 78
Wenzel (or Wenceslas)* 1378 - 1400
Rupert of the Palatinate* 1400 - 10
Sigismund 1410 - 37

Hapsburg Emperors
Albert II of Hapsburg 1438 - 9
Frederick III (last emperor crowned in Rome) 1440 - 93
Maximilian I 1493 - 19
Charles V (last emperor crowned by Pope) 1519 - 56
Ferdinand I 1556 - 64
Maximilian II 1564 - 76
Rudolf II 1576 - 12
Matthias 1612 - 19
Ferdinand II 1619 - 37
Ferdinand III 1637 - 57
Leopold I 1658 - 1705
Joseph I 1705 - 11
Charles VI 1711 - 40
Charles VII of Bavaria 1742 - 5
Francis I of Lorraine 1745 - 65
Joseph II 1765 - 90
Leopold II 1790 - 2
Francis II 1792 - 1806

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